I'm not sure if Temur Food Chain is appropriate there. I'm a bit unsure what you're trying to do, especially as 75% is a very vague term, and according to Sheldon, it's a place where you don't get to Sorin Markov someone on turn 5. I guess particular interest would be for A+B combos for which both parts can be reasonable cards when combined with other stuff. put the splinter twin on avenger of zendikar instead of pestermite or krasis). What I am sure of is that I don't necessarily want to just jam typical CEDH kills I'm looking for a deck that can play functional battlecruiser magic with more casual tables by just opting to do "fun" stuff instead of "stupid" stuff (e.g. I guess I'm looking more for suggestions about cards and packages I *could* play moreso than specific changes, because I don't really have a list. There's also some combos I can't remember the card names of off the top of my head, but I'm intending to build something that ramps a good bit, and then presents a substantial number of creatures that can both attack and threaten kills from very little. This is kind of my starting point, and yes, I know it's not a cohesive 99 I'm looking to flesh it out. I'm not a super experienced commander player, in the sense that I don't play it often, but I'm generally aware of what most of the key combos and interactions are in the format.

The target is the ability to play at either a table of 75% decks or a table of players who're actively gunning to beat the top 4-5 CEDH archetypes, but not really playing optimized CEDH lists themselves.
I'm not looking for full CEDH, so suggestions to move to the 3-4 "typical" CEDH kill chains aren't really welcome-I have full power 100% chain-veil teferi if I'm going to sit at those tables. I'm looking to build a high-power but not quite CEDH tier Maelstrom Wanderer list for paper play.